Co-Host of Catching Foxes
Gomer is an evangelist, a father, husband, and full-time church worker. He specializes in watching TV, watching YouTube, and watching his kids play outside (from inside, where it is safe).
Gomer has hosted 385 Episodes.
Episode 71: The Highlight Reel
December 30th, 2016 | 1 hr 15 mins
better than sports, highlight, recap, seek 2017
The Official Highlight Reel of Catching Foxes!
69 Spoiler Alert We Got Divorced
December 9th, 2016 | 1 hr 57 mins
Explicit! We deal with divorce, especially when it is one-sided despite all your efforts.
67 Fr. Mike Schmitz's Face is the New Evangelization
November 7th, 2016 | 2 hrs 9 mins
early elections, jimmy eat world, marvel movies, that catholic couple
10 Minute Topics with a 45 Minute Argument!
Episode 49: Catholic Drinkie Interviews Us
June 24th, 2016 | 1 hr 9 mins
alcohol, beer, catholic, catholic drinkie, drinks
In April we were interviewed by Catholic Drinkie, which is Sarah Vabulous and Fr. Kyle. Sarah edited down our episode for her show, so I used this as a kind of Director's Cut, making it longer and, thus, more fun!
Episode 23: Beauty from Ashes with Maria Walther
November 6th, 2015 | 1 hr 21 mins
We interview Maria Walther about her ministry to help mommies who miscarry or lose a child.
21 The Ice Bearded Fr Mike Schmitz
October 23rd, 2015 | 1 hr 46 mins
fr mike schmitz, ice beards, priesthood, vocation
We interview Fr Mike Schmitz, Bulldog Catholic, about life and beards
Episode 11: 11 An Open Letter
August 24th, 2015 | 1 hr 26 mins
In this episode we cover annulments and marriage issues, culture and its relationship to Christianity, gay parenting and marriage, the Simpsons, and much, much more.
Episode 10: The Prodigal Affleck Returns
August 17th, 2015 | 57 mins 48 secs
Gomer and Luke do some much needed follow up to their porn discussion, bringing in some grace.
Episode 9: Ten Minute Topic Showdown
August 11th, 2015 | 1 hr 28 mins
We plough through 10 topics in 10 minutes. Each.
Episode 8: Authentically Honest about Pornography
August 6th, 2015 | 1 hr 6 mins
healing, hope, porn, pornography
We talk about Porn and how it has ruined our lives/relationships
Episode 7: Interview with Arleen the Virgin
July 20th, 2015 | 1 hr 37 mins
arleen, chastity, journalist, lovers, virgin
An interview with journalist and author Arleen Spenceley.
Episode 6: Perpetual What Now?
June 30th, 2015 | 1 hr 2 mins
avengers, beyonce, perpetual adolescence
We discuss, and model, Perpetual Adolescence.
Episode 5: Big Events for the Kidz
June 5th, 2015 | 1 hr 16 mins
events, hipster, ice cream, the dark night rises, youth ministry
Gomer and Luke talk event-based youth ministry while doing their best BANE impression.
Episode 4: Luke Authentically, Genuinely Loves Star Wars Trailers
June 1st, 2015 | 6 mins 55 secs
fanboi, star wars, the force awakens, trailer
A grown man emotes over a movie trailer
Episode 3: I Watch Mad Men for the Suits
April 23rd, 2015 | 1 hr 4 mins
We discuss media discernment and when it goes too far.
Episode 2: My Poofy Hair
April 20th, 2015 | 48 mins 10 secs
We live in a world of 140 characters. That's great and awful.