Massa Damnata?

Episode 295 · May 21st, 2021 · 1 hr 46 mins

About this Episode

Luke and Gomer talk about goodness and why people always want to be right in the Church, even when we damn our adversaries needlessly.

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  • Universalism, Balthasar, the Massa Damnata, and the Question of Evangelization. – Gaudium et Spes 22 — My point in all of this is not to dump on Ralph Martin, although his scandalous treatment of Balthasar and von Speyr richly deserves it, but to highlight the extent to which the traditionalist movement has become obsessed with eternal hellfire.  As I have mentioned before, their mantra should be “more hell cowbell please.” Martin’s book, “A Church in Crisis,” is an otherwise decent book with which I am in deep agreement on many points, which only underscores the oddity of his sudden flight into hysteria and calumny when it comes to the question of Balthasar and Hell.  And that really was the main point of all of the foregoing. Namely, that the retrieval of some concept of the massa damnata is so important to traditionalists that they are willing to eviscerate, and then to draw and quarter, even orthodox theologians of great stature who they deem to be too soft on the question.
  • How to Get to Heaven — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube — Friends, in today’s first reading, we hear from St. Peter that it is only through the name of the Lord that we may be saved. Whatever elements of truth there are to be found in various religions, these partial elements participate in the fullness of truth found in Jesus. In Christ and through Christ, we are made to become participants in God’s own life.
  • Ralph Martin Responds to Bishop Barron on the Salvation of Non-Christians - YouTube — Brothers and Sisters, because of the importance of the subject matter we thought we should share a special video message today. Bishop Robert Barron recently gave a sermon that has occasioned a lot of interest and some controversy. Fr. Mark Goring responded to some of what Bishop Barron said, but since part of what he said is an area that I have a deep concern about and also some expertise in, I thought I should offer some friendly comments. I hope you find them useful.
  • What Ought Balthasar to Hope? — "Death is not the final word." Desire, Experience, Conversion: An Interview with Father John Nepil #hope #judgement #death
  • Psalm 22 RSVCE - Plea for Deliverance from Suffering and - Bible Gateway — My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Why art thou so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning?
  • That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection — In a flash, at a trumpet crash, I am all at once what Christ is, | since he was what I am, and This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, | patch, matchwood, immortal diamond,                             Is immortal diamond.