Everybody's screwing, nobody's talking
Episode 200 · July 5th, 2019 · 1 hr 19 mins
About this Episode
The Catholic Young Adult scene is filled with hookups. We ignore this, we aren't doing ministry of any sort. Then we dive into Healing and then Hope. At the end, it's a SHOCKING story of hope and prayer.
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Episode Links
- Catching Foxes on Twitter: "Young Adult Ministry in a nutshell: everyone is screwing each other and nobody’s talking about it." — Young Adult Ministry in a nutshell: everyone is screwing each other and nobody’s talking about it.
- Catching Foxes on Twitter: "I’m serious about this. I (Luke)... — I’m serious about this. I (Luke) have noticed this as a common thing in Catholic young adult communities across the country. Everyone is engaging in morally illicit sexual activities and we don’t talk about it. The damage is and will continue to be catastrophic.