10 Minute Topics, End-of-Year Edition
Episode 364 · January 1st, 2023 · 1 hr 31 mins
About this Episode
- Best alcoholic beverages you've ever had?
- Top Moments from the Past Year?
- Have you (luke) been doing your skincare?
- What Catholic thing you just can't get behind for whatever reason? What is your favorite day of the week?
- do you and your significant other share music tastes, if not, how do you deal with that?
- Words or themes that come to you about 2022? Words or themes for 2023? Words/Themes for celebrities?
- Cohen Brothers next hit: a western? writing stuff? what's new?
- Chrismation at infancy: why is the East right?
- A canonized saint that you think of for your co-host?
- What are the holiday traditions that need to go away and what new ones do you want to start?
- Thoughts on Expeditionary Force: Failure Mode? (gomer nerds out!)
- Best advice for a new dad?
- Favorite Karaoke song to sing in front of people and favorite in the shower?
- How do you keep going when physical/mental health is in the garbage?
- How is your ADHD going?
- Bird's eye view on the Mr. Frank Pavone thing?
- Why doesn't Luke like any Catholic people? j/j but not really.
Episode Links
- Fundraiser by Sara Alexander : Our Superhero needs a sidekick! — All of the above is just some of the background on Isabella, and what brings us to the need for a GoFundMe. We’ve never fundraised for personal needs before. Honestly, it actually feels extremely awkward. Jonathan and I have spent our entire 12 years of marriage fundraising for the missions we’ve served whether it's the needs of Adore Ministries or Gratia Plena mental health services. We’ve chosen to live simply all these years to best support these missions we believe in passionately. So we find ourselves feeling unworthy to ask for personal support. But then we look into the beautiful eyes of Isabella, and our intentions are invigorated! This is a necessity for her. This is a need for her safety. This is the next step in doing the next right thing for her. So we are humbly coming to our community to help us get Isabella a Mobility Service Dog to support her safety. I humbly ask for your generosity in this endeavor, and we will continue to be open and honest about our endeavors for her. You are more than welcome to reach out with any clarifications you’d like along the way.
- Fundraiser for David VanVickle by Andy Lesnefsky : Support the VanVickles in their fight with cancer — On Tuesday, Dec 17, Amber VanVickle was diagnosed with stage IV cancer in her colon, lungs and liver that will require immediate, intensive treatment.
- St. Gregory's Prayer Book — The St. Gregory's Prayer Book is a beautifully produced leatherette prayer book compiled by the Ordinariates established by Pope Benedict XVI and drawing on the riches of the Anglican liturgical heritage and the exquisite Cranmerian language of the Book of Common Prayer to further enrich the panoply of Catholic liturgy and devotion.